Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This will be my first entry about my looove for fashion. I was exposed to fashion when I was in high school. The Candy Magazine was a great influence! It taught me how to dress well, find appropriate clothes for my body type, and even helped me survive high school! When I entered college, I shifted to Seventeen Magazine, every college girl's guide they say. My fashion sense also evolved, from shirts and pants only to skirts, palazzos, harem pants, sheer tops. I tried experimenting different styles! From girly to sporty, retro, K-pop style (why???) even punk dressing! Ghaaaad. What was I thinking? O.o

So anyways, here are some of my outfits I usually wear when I go to school or just hang out with friends. :3

Don't mind Le face. --

The shoes are thrifted for only Fifty pesos! A dollar for a shoe :))

Twigggggy loves

Tried matching Aztec  on leopard  prints! Havey or Waley??


Feeling Chachi of Iamme!

I love love this look. Girly, flirty and sweet. :3

A pout and a wink!

Bad shot. Blurry. Thanks STACY YIN for that breath taking shot of yours. Hihi:*

John Lennon glasses I love, bought it for just a dollar!

 Jeffrey Campbell inspired shoes!

La Boheme

As you can see, I'm always covered up wearing cardigans, pants and long skirts. That is  because I'm a Muslim, in which my religion forbids us women from wearing revealing clothes such as tube tops, short shorts, mini skirts, any type of clothing where in a lot of skin is exposed. Being a Muslim is not a hindrance for me to enjoy wearing clothes I love! I can always mix and match. I don't have to show much of my body to be fashionable. Although most of the pictures I din't wear my hijab , but I'm learning and loving to wear em now.

 I'm thinking about posting my daily outfits and just share a random thought about the look,
 waddya think? ;)

Have a lovely Wednesday afternoon! :*
                                                                                        the devil wears ukay =*.*=


  1. OMGEEEEE! i love you! you're so cute. and guess what? i'm an ukay enthusiast, too!

    following you!

    1. Awwwwww,thank you. :3 you're so sweet!I love you too! Hooraay for ukay lovers!:))

  2. LOVE THE outfit on the 6th PHOTO <3


thanks for the comment ^^

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